Catherine Bell




Data Visualization

The Visual Effects Atlas is a physical book, a downloadable PDF, and a web site. It paints a detailed portrait of a global creative industry. I used color, scale, and line consistently across all these channels to build connections across data.
VFX Atlas physical book covers
A VFX Atlas book spread visualizing ratios of roles at VFX companies in various countries.
For the web site, I designed four zoomable interactive data viz charts using Tableau and MapBox.
A key page from the PDF shows a global map of the entire Visual Effects industry.
Along with a Design Thinking and Visitor Experience cross-functional team, I did months of quantitative and qualitative research on the Getty Center's visitors. This visitor journey map shows our major conclusions.
The American Packrafting Association, an outdoor non-profit, ran a survey of enthusiasts of this rugged outdoor sport. I created data visualization graphics to convey the data while speaking to the the adventurous spirit of the APA audience.
The Getty Center museum presented a huge special exhibition called LA Overdrive. It was a multi-media tribute to LA's history, art, and architecture. With the collaboration of information scientist Phil Ethington (USC) I created 2 large infographics for projection inside the exhibit. Centered around a map of LA, they showed the complexity of LA's human and economic history through detailed data visualizations.
LA Freewaves, with assistance from the Annenberg Center at USC, conducted informal surveys about gender identity and self-concept. I created a looping video "Inconclusive Infographics" which showed the results and analysis. It was named "inconclusive" to convery some of the ambiguity in qualitative research as well as the nature of the questions and subject matter.

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